Saturday, July 27, 2024

Sexy Top Ten Lists

That's right, everything about me is sexy and my top ten lists are no different.

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Top Ten Quotes from CLUTCH

Video shared by on in Top Ten

I will make all the other bloggers jealous with my mad blogging skills tonight ladies and gentlemen. For your viewing pleasure I have the top ten quotes from CLUTCH – Sera style! Enjoy the video and then click the link and take the quiz…NO CHEATING your freaking babies!

Take the Quiz Here


Highlight the space below to see the answers if you MUST cheat!

10. Layla: “She’s one long battle scar from head to toe!

9.   Slag: "Jasus H. Fuck, Coot. You’re done this time!”

8.   Dale: "As you can see, Junco, you’re entirely replaceable.”

7.   Moju: "Go fuck yourself, Tier."

6.   Junco: “I might fight like a boy, but I’m not shaped like one."

5.   Tier: "Oh, for fuck’s sake, Yer afraid of fish now too?”

4.   Aren: "It looks like a princess threw up in here.

3.   Moju: "That’s my sister, you asshole."

2.   Junco: “Inside me – it’s nothing but screams and lies."

1.   Tier: "Breathe out, Junco. All the best parts are in the exhale."

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Tagged in: clutch quiz Sera top ten

I was once a slave to a blue-eyed, blond man who ran his habitat like he had a fist up his ass. Thankfully I quit that job and now I am happy running Earth. I'd rather live in the walls than listen to his constant whining for one more second.


  • Isten
    Isten Thursday, 26 July 2012

    I bow to the master

    Her majesty Sera of Bloogerdom. Boy I wish I could be King of cool. :p

    Reply Cancel
  • Lucan
    Lucan Thursday, 26 July 2012

    You do realize

    She has minions to do this stuff for her, correct? And why do you get to use the emoticons? I like them so I shall use them too. ;)

    Reply Cancel
  • Snowbird
    Snowbird Thursday, 26 July 2012

    Be nice...

    This makes readers happy! :) And you can use the smilies (just stop calling them emoticons, Lucan. No one says that.)

    Reply Cancel
  • Sera
    Sera Thursday, 26 July 2012

    Thank you

    My kind subject. I will not let your sarcasm ruin my excellent mood tonight! I am so cool I can't stand it. :)

    Reply Cancel
  • Snowbird
    Snowbird Thursday, 26 July 2012

    Great job, Sera.

    Even Lucan can't give this one a one star.

  • Lucan
    Lucan Thursday, 26 July 2012

    I most certainly did

    give one measly little star. She deserved it after what she said yesterday. That was a well thought out post with delicious mouth-watering images.

  • Snowbird
    Snowbird Friday, 27 July 2012


    Why did you have to remind me of that...

  • Tier
    Tier Thursday, 26 July 2012

    I have to admit

    This is pretty fucking cool. I took the quiz and got them all wrong. I don't recall saying that fish thing...I was a perfect gentleman in that book.

    Reply Cancel
  • Snowbird
    Snowbird Thursday, 26 July 2012

    Oh fuck you have a short

    memory. You pestered me continuously about the dogs, the lions, and the fish.

    Reply Cancel
  • Tier
    Tier Thursday, 26 July 2012

    Sorry Juncs!

    I just don't recall ever being mean ta ya. :D

  • Gideon
    Gideon Thursday, 26 July 2012

    Yes, Sera you are the Queen

    Of Bitchdom...I mean...Bloggerdom. ;) Oops, Freudian slip there, that's all.

    Reply Cancel
  • Lucan
    Lucan Thursday, 26 July 2012

    She didn't catch that Gideon

    Maybe she doesn't know who Freud is? :p

    Reply Cancel
  • Sera
    Sera Thursday, 26 July 2012

    I know who Freud is


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  • Isten
    Isten Thursday, 26 July 2012


    Bitchdom! That is so her. :)

    Reply Cancel
  • Sera
    Sera Thursday, 26 July 2012

    Just wait Isten...

    Next week you'll be all over me begging for a quiz for your stupid man stuff and I will look down on you like the Queen i am and say...oh, alright. You're so darn cute in that bad-ass sexy mean kind of way. Why Junco never chose you,. I'll never understand.

    Reply Cancel
  • Tier
    Tier Thursday, 26 July 2012

    Uh, HELLO???

    I'm right here ya know.

    Reply Cancel
  • Esta
    Esta Thursday, 26 July 2012

    I like it

    Will you help me make a quiz for my history lessons?

    Reply Cancel
  • Sera
    Sera Thursday, 26 July 2012

    I most certainly will

    Esta. You are a delight in every way. We will make something spectacular! ;)

    Reply Cancel
  • Esta
    Esta Thursday, 26 July 2012


    Lucan, those little dot things mean you're making sound.

    Reply Cancel
  • Lucan
    Lucan Thursday, 26 July 2012

    Thank you Esta

    I will use those in the future.

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