Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Sexy Top Ten Lists

That's right, everything about me is sexy and my top ten lists are no different.

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Interview with a Beautiful Redhead

Posted by on in Characters

Lucan and Sera

Character profile for Lucan (and Sera Evil)

Junco asked me to introduce Lucan's interview, but since she didn't see fit to give me my OWN interview, I'll participate in this one, thank you.  Besides, I'm the most interesting character anyway. Just wait until you see what I do in the next book...

Ready kids? Here we go!

Physical Description:

LUCAN: This is difficult…I cannot say any more. I have several forms, none of which look anything like the other.

SERA: I’m a stunning 5’9 redhead, natural, of course. My skin is smooth and fair, and my fashion sense is unmatched on habitat or planet.

JUNCO: Oh for fuck’s sake Sera, this is not your profile. Butt the hell out!

SERA: I’m ignoring Junco. Everyone, please join me.

Actor who could play you in a movie:

LUCAN: Leonardo DeCaprio

SERA: Evan Rachel Wood – she’s perfect and did you see her as Sophie-Ann in True Blood!!! And that little brat she played in Mildred Pierce! I loved her, so nasty, and self-absorbed! She’s perfect!

JUNCO: Hmmm…surprisingly, both of you hit that nail on the head.


LUCAN: President of the Avian.

SERA: Unemployed at the moment, but I have big plans for Earth.

LUCAN: I fired her ass thousands of years ago.

SERA: You wish, I quit because I could not stand you for one more second.

JUNCO: Am I gonna have to pull this car over?

Favorite AI:

LUCAN: Obviously NOT the one who abandoned me two thousand years ago. So, Amelia, of course.

SERA: I thought you said you fired me?

JUNCO: She’s got you there, Lucan.

Favorite Junco moment:

LUCAN: The first time she told me off…which was about five minutes after we met. :)

SERA: Oh, this is a spoiler! I cannot tell!

JUNCO: Good girl, Sera. You know how I hate spoilers.

LUCAN: Kiss ass.

Favorite 039 Team Member:

LUCAN: They are all equally important to me, but obviously Raubtier is who I count on the most to deliver what I require.

SERA: Hmmmm…I love Isten the most, I think. He’s so hot and typically up for just about anything.

JUCNO: Oh, please. Spare me the details. Lalalala….lalalala….I can’t hear you. I really don’t need that image in my head.

Favorite vaca spot:

LUCAN: Australia, especially The Kimberly. Crocodiles and Cuckoos, how can you top that?

SERA: Earth! I love Earth. I can do so many things with…errrr…I mean ON Earth! It’s spectacular!

JUNCO: :::sigh::: I’m gonna regret this.

Favorite food:

LUCAN: Cheeseburgers. Junco got me hooked on these, especially In-and-Out Burger. The wait in the drive-through is exceptionally long most of the time. But yet, it’s worth it when you take that first bite of burger. Mmmmm…burgers are the best thing about Earth. Besides the Kimberly, of course.

SERA: I do not eat.

JUNCO: Hey, if you don’t eat and you’re not hooked up to a reactor, then where do you get power?

SERA: I could tell you, but I’d have to kill you.

TIER: She steals her power from-

SERA: Raubtier, you will regret spilling that secret. I’m warning you.

JUNCO: Oh shit, not another one? I have no interest. Zero. Move on, please.


LUCAN: I have no idea. Many hundreds of years past seven thousand.

SERA: Same. Lucan and I were created on the same day.

JUNCO: Really? Shit, never knew that. So you’re like, brother and sister?

LUCAN: No, we are not brother and sister, Junco.

SERA: Yeah, that’s disgusting.

JUNCO: Why is it disgusting, unless of course the two of you-



LUCAN: Every day is a birthday for me. I’ve been morphed hundreds of times, each time I came out I was reborn.

SERA: What he said.

Zodiac Sign:

LUCAN: All of them.

SERA: :::Yawn:::

 Favorite Color:


SERA: Oh, me too! You know why he likes red, don’t you, Junco?


SERA: Because of my dress.

LUCAN: Sera, the only thing larger than your ego is your propensity for lies. I love red because it’s my true eye color.

Favorite Song:

LUCAN: I prefer classical avian music and rarely listen to anything else.

SERA: My Humps, Black Eyed Peas. LOVE that song.

JUNCO: That song is old. You’re dating yourself now, Sera.

SERA: At least my favorite song isn’t opera. Loser.

Words to live by:

LUCAN: To the victor belong the spoils.

SERA: Oh, yes. I like that one. I also like all’s fair in love, war, and life.

JUNCO: That’s not how it goes, all’s not fair in life.

SERA: Junco, whose interview is this anyway?

JUNCO: Lucan’s!

Perfect Saturday Night:

LUCAN: Watching tennis or golf.

JUNCO: :::snort::: This is true, too! He’s so boring.

SERA: I party every weekend. You ever been to that club downtown, Junco? You know that one in the church?

JUNCO: That’s a BDSM club, Sera, so no. I’ve not been there.

SERA: Oh, well Isten and I go all the time.

JUNCO and LUCAN: Lalalala….lalalala….We can’t hear you.

JUNCO: OK - this interview is over.

Thanks for stopping by Dear Readers! if you haven't checked my badass self in Flight, you should.  Like right now! But start with Clutch first...it's a series, right?


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Tagged in: characters Junco Lucan Sera

I was once a slave to a blue-eyed, blond man who ran his habitat like he had a fist up his ass. Thankfully I quit that job and now I am happy running Earth. I'd rather live in the walls than listen to his constant whining for one more second.


  • Isten
    Isten Saturday, 20 October 2012

    You and Tier should

    definitely come to that club, Juncs. It's a lot of fun. besides, everyone knows you're the dom in that relationship! I'd like to see ya bend Tier over the bar and give him a good whack! :p

  • Ashur
    Ashur Saturday, 20 October 2012


    BURN! Isten, you're so DEAD, dude! :)

    Reply Cancel
  • Tier
    Tier Saturday, 20 October 2012

    I already took care of it...

    Just wait, Isten. Just wait. I called Bam-Peep and directed her to this thread. :D

    Reply Cancel
  • Isten
    Isten Saturday, 20 October 2012

    Dude, you did not

    do that? Seriously, she's not very forgiving of this shit. And she's got that pokey staff hook thing. She hits me with it.

    Reply Cancel
  • Bam-Peep
    Bam-Peep Saturday, 20 October 2012

    Hunny, are you causing trouble here?

    Do I have to spank you? :(

    Reply Cancel
  • Isten
    Isten Saturday, 20 October 2012

    Oh shit!

    No, Mistress Bambi. I swear, I'm a good boy.

    Reply Cancel
  • Ashur
    Ashur Saturday, 20 October 2012

    Oh God...

    i think I just threw up in my mouth.

  • Snowbird
    Snowbird Saturday, 20 October 2012

    Tier is gonna

    Kick your ASS, Isten. I can't wait to see it.

    Reply Cancel
  • Lucan
    Lucan Saturday, 20 October 2012

    I think Sera

    ruined my interview. I will require another one.

  • Snowbird
    Snowbird Saturday, 20 October 2012

    Uh, yeah, that's a great big

    FUCK NO.

    The interviews are over. What a disaster. Kinda like Madonna trying to act like she's still a virgin.

    Reply Cancel
  • Lucan
    Lucan Saturday, 20 October 2012

    I will remember this slight, Junco

    I do not forget easily. :(

  • Sera
    Sera Saturday, 20 October 2012


    Lucan's just mad because i stole the show. Isten, are we on for tomorrow night, hon? ;)

  • Tier
    Tier Saturday, 20 October 2012

    Lalalala….lalalala….We can’t hear you. Lalalala….lalalala….We can’t hear you. Lalalala….lalalala….We can’t hear you.

    Lalalala….lalalala….We can’t hear you.

    Lalalala….lalalala….We can’t hear you.

    Lalalala….lalalala….We can’t hear you.

    Reply Cancel
  • Esta
    Esta Saturday, 20 October 2012

    Lalalala….lalalala….We can’t hear you.

    Lalalala….lalalala….We can’t hear you.

    Lalalala….lalalala….We can’t hear you.

    Lalalala….lalalala….We can’t hear you.

    Reply Cancel
  • Ashur
    Ashur Saturday, 20 October 2012

    Junco, you've totally

    Lost control here. Wrap this shit up. I now have an image of you spanking Tier and Isten with Sera and Bambi.

    I can't take any more. :::shudder:::

    Reply Cancel
  • Isten
    Isten Saturday, 20 October 2012

    Yeah, I'm done

    Let's call it a night...

    Reply Cancel
  • Bam-Peep
    Bam-Peep Saturday, 20 October 2012

    I'm on my way over now, hunny

    I have my hook.... :::thwappp:::

    Reply Cancel
  • Lucan
    Lucan Saturday, 20 October 2012

    I have no idea

    what you people are talking about.

  • Sera
    Sera Saturday, 20 October 2012

    Whatever, Lucan

    We saw you at the club last week. You were with that tramp that works at the gas station down the road.

  • Esta
    Esta Saturday, 20 October 2012

    Oh crap...

    I'm with Ashur, goodnight! :):):) You guys can duke this on out yourselves!

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