Team 039 (and friends) have decided the world cannot live without another blog. So, yeah. Join Junco, Gideon, Lucan, Sera, HOUSE, Ashur, Esta, Tier, Isten, Selia, and Kadian as we deliver not so up to the minute irrelevant stuff to the masses, just so you can say you wasted more time on the internet at work today.
Junco has instructed me to bring this blog back under the control of the ladies, since the men seem to be adding a little too much of their own “humor” lately. We’ve heard enough about bam-peep and rock-crawlers. Am I right?
For this historical look at the ancients, I’ve chosen one of my favorite cylinder seals. This piece comes from the Ass...
OK, first off – hello. Junco roped me into being her eight and I’m supposed to handle questions about Avian culture so she literally just dumped a pile of crap on my desk and said get on it.
So, I’m on it.
The first question is from Darla (is that your real name? Dar-la…I like it) anyway, Darla asks, “How does one become an Archer and why do you ...