Team 039 (and friends) have decided the world cannot live without another blog. So, yeah. Join Junco, Gideon, Lucan, Sera, HOUSE, Ashur, Esta, Tier, Isten, Selia, and Kadian as we deliver not so up to the minute irrelevant stuff to the masses, just so you can say you wasted more time on the internet at work today.
Awwwww…fuck. I HATE blogging…hate it! But I can’t stand one more bitchy remark from Junco about not contributing, so. :::insert evil grin here::: Let’s see what I can talk about tonight…my blog is supposed to be about music but I’m gonna talk about my date with Bambi instead. Partly because I wanna piss off Ashur (he met her Friday night when I bro...
Dear Junco,
I’m a sixteen year old girl who just got invited to the Homecoming dance, unfortunately the dance falls on open day of whitetail deer hunting. I’d really like hunting and don’t want to miss the trip, but this boy is very cute. What should I do? Go hunting with my family or go to a dance?
Dead Things or Dancing
Dear Dead T...