Sexy Bambi and Bo Peep will kill Istens blog
Awwwww…fuck. I HATE blogging…hate it! But I can’t stand one more bitchy remark from Junco about not contributing, so. :::insert evil grin here::: Let’s see what I can talk about tonight…my blog is supposed to be about music but I’m gonna talk about my date with Bambi instead. Partly because I wanna piss off Ashur (he met her Friday night when I brought her home for dinner and yeah, she’s fucking hot) and partly because I wanna piss off Junco.
I mean, shit. Can’t she get Ryse to do this? I get he’s busy “working” but come on?
How about Arel? He’s back from his honeymoon now…surely he can step in and take over my piece of shit blog?
Or how about Braun? He’s got stories every man on Earth would pay money to hear. But Nooooooooooooooo. Junco says she wants a semi-clean website. Pffffft. She’s totally failed in that regard. I mean the F-bomb is being thrown around like beads at Mardi Gras.
Anyway, I think you guys should leave comments and tell Junco to get someone to replace me. My posts suck anyway, you won’t even miss me!
OK, back to Bambi…LOL…oh shit, this girl was something else. She has a lot going for her – try to imagine – big tatas, long red hair, tall, leather pants-
JUNCO: Isten, she didn’t look like that! Stop lying!
Hey, this is my post, so get the hell out of it. You want me to write or what?
That’s what I thought.
And her name, right! Bambi – it’s like she was born in a strip joint or something. In fact, I think she said her mother wa a p-
JUNCO: OK, that’s enough! She was a nice normal girl and her mother named her Bambi because she worked for the forest service and delivered two weeks early when she was out checking on some poachers up in Rocky Mountain National Park.
Shit, that Junco is delusional! This bitch came straight out of a brothel in Neveda! But she’s right, the pants weren’t leather, she came over in one of those sexy little bo-peep Halloween costumes…you know the ones, right? The one you secretly wish your boring girlfriend will wear privately for you every Saturday night?
JUCNO: OK, we’re done here. Sign off. I will make your life miserable later, you can count on it.
:::insert evil grin here:::
I guess we are done here, Snowbird. I’ll let Ryse know he’s the new Music Blogger, OK? I mean I totally understand, I’m unfit for duty here. ;) I’ve got Braun on backup! was nice knowing you readers, but I'm gone...
And You're not fired, are you kidding! This title will bring in all the readers, you;ll see! In fact, I've just promoted you to webmaster!