Saturday, July 27, 2024

Team 039 Blog

Team 039 (and friends) have decided the world cannot live without another blog. So, yeah. Join Junco, Gideon, Lucan, Sera, HOUSE, Ashur, Esta, Tier, Isten, Selia, and Kadian as we deliver not so up to the minute irrelevant stuff to the masses, just so you can say you wasted more time on the internet at work today.

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My snow boots are making puddles on the tile floor of my camp room. If Maggie comes in and see the mess she might punish me, but I can’t think straight right now. I’ve been spinning since the ski trip. I look up at the clock and work out what the big and little hands mean as I study it. 9:00 and it’s dark so that means it’s PM, not AM. PM means pre...
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