Junco Coot Interview
In the interest in burying Isten’s inappropriate blog as quickly as possible I’ve decided to post some interviews that Tier, Lucan, and I did. Enjoy!
Character profile:
Junco Abigail Coot
Born: September 3, 2133
Physical Description:
OK, I’m short. But don’t underestimate me because that never stopped me from kicking someone’s ass. Most of the time my hair is auburn brown, my eyes are hazel and my body has a little more muscle than most girls should. But don’t count on me staying this way forever…I have secrets…secrets that have giant consequences!
Actress who could play you in a movie: Cameron Phillips - the reprogrammed Terminator from Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles. She’s awesome.
Job: Professional soldier, assassin, and Seventh Sibling.
Favorite gun: Ohhh, that’s a hard one. It’s a draw between the TZi .357 and the RM Elite sniper rifle.
Favorite MMA move: Shit, how does one choose? I guess it would be the tornado kick. They never see that coming, plus I got all that acrobatic stuff behind me, so I really catch some air when I make contact. TMI? Sorry!
Favorite Sibling: LOL...that question is so unfair, but it definitely isn’t Irin. She’s a total bitch.
Favorite member of the 039: Nooooo…I can’t do that to them. They are all my favorites.
Favorite vaca spot: Well, it’s not a vaca spot, but I do love when Lucan takes me to see the stars. It’s beyond Heaven.
Favorite food: Blueberry pancakes
Age: In Clutch, Fledge, and Flight I am 19 (it was a pretty big year for me)…Range takes place when I’m 22.
Birthday: September 3, 2133
Zodiac Sign: Virgo - Astraea was the Greek goddess of innocence and the administration of law. Sickened by the wars of men, she was the last of the celestial beings to leave the earth for the heavens and is often depicted with the wings that allowed her angelic ascension to the stars. It is said that Zeus placed her amongst the stars as the Virgo constellation along with her scales of justice to depict the constellation Libra.
Favorite Color: Yellow
Favorite Song: Road to Paradise by Tat
Words to live by: Do the job you’re trained for, and if you’re not trained for the job at hand, shut up and stay the fuck out of the way.
Perfect Saturday Night: At home with Tier, or shooting with Gideon, or watching horror screens with Ashur, or letting Selia treat me like a Barbie head, or playing cards with Braun, or…well you get the picture. I enjoy all of them!
Three words that best describe me: Feisty, powerful, relentless.
What did you want to be when you grew up: A mother. :)
Day or night: DAY! Although I do enjoy a good stargaze, I could go a million years and never see another nightdog and die happy.
You forgot to mention
your best friend! WTF!