Team 039 (and friends) have decided the world cannot live without another blog. So, yeah. Join Junco, Gideon, Lucan, Sera, HOUSE, Ashur, Esta, Tier, Isten, Selia, and Kadian as we deliver not so up to the minute irrelevant stuff to the masses, just so you can say you wasted more time on the internet at work today.
I grew up in the Rural Republic...that's about all I can say about that.
I cannot even remember where I was last year, let alone the seven thousand years prior.
Product of Rural Republic Stag camp. Enough said.
I was once a slave to a blue-eyed, blond man who ran his habitat like he had a fist up his ass. Thankfully I quit that job and now I am happy running Earth. I'd rather live in the walls than listen to his constant whining for one more second.
I am the Fourth Sibling of Clutch 144. I currently live in the Band and my passion is ancient history. I grew up in the Eastern Utopias.