Tuesday, October 22, 2024

What Would Junco Do?

I always said I'd make an excellent Clutch Mother.

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How I Got My Name

Posted by on in News


So that lady who calls herself the "author" did a guest post today about how "she named me".  I can only shake my head at how delusional people can be...but her hallucinations are quite interesting so if you want to check it out, it's over here at Kathleen Valentine's blog.


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Tagged in: Junco

I grew up in the Rural Republic...that's about all I can say about that.


  • Gideon
    Gideon Tuesday, 04 September 2012

    That woman is bat-shit

    CRAZY...Everyone knows I named you, Snowbird. :)

    Reply Cancel
  • Snowbird
    Snowbird Tuesday, 04 September 2012

    Smooches to you

    for all that you do...:p

    Reply Cancel
  • Lucan
    Lucan Tuesday, 04 September 2012


    It speaks to your destiny, Junco. Flipping off destiny is not a good idea...just go with it.

  • Snowbird
    Snowbird Tuesday, 04 September 2012

    Since when did

    I flip off destiny? I respect destiny, it's that bastard LUCK who's on my shitlist. ;)

    Reply Cancel
  • Gideon
    Gideon Tuesday, 04 September 2012

    I agree


    Reply Cancel
  • Sera
    Sera Tuesday, 04 September 2012

    I think we can all

    agree on that one...:D For once.

    Reply Cancel
  • Sera
    Sera Tuesday, 04 September 2012

    I actually prefer

    your middle name, Junco. Junco sounds like you drink too much.

    Reply Cancel
  • Lucan
    Lucan Tuesday, 04 September 2012

    Yes, I adore

    Abigail. It's simply stunning.

    Reply Cancel
  • Tier
    Tier Tuesday, 04 September 2012

    Isn't that your

    Grandma's name? That one that lives in Kenosha??? :)

    Reply Cancel
  • Ashur
    Ashur Tuesday, 04 September 2012

    Now there's a woman

    who can bake the fuck out of some cookies. Next time you go, Lucan. Bring back snickerdoodles. Hell, maybe I'll go home with you next time...

    Reply Cancel
  • Lucan
    Lucan Tuesday, 04 September 2012

    I called her and she

    said "Tell that sweetheart Ryse he can come any time he wants."

    She thinks you're Ryse...and well, it's so hard to change her mind about things these days. So when we go for Thanskgiving, just play along.

  • Esta
    Esta Tuesday, 04 September 2012

    That is so

    uncalled for, Sera. Just because your name is stupid, doesn't mean you have to make fun of other people's.

    Your name is lovely, Junco. As is the story on how "you got it". ( ;) I'm just humoring her, OK? You have to be careful with these crazy people who think they invented you...)

    Reply Cancel
  • Tier
    Tier Tuesday, 04 September 2012

    Darlin', your name

    is so fucking sexy I can barely stand it. :p

    Who gives a shit where it came from (Gideon).

    Reply Cancel
  • Snowbird
    Snowbird Tuesday, 04 September 2012

    Oh God, I could

    jump your bones right now for saying that...:)

    Just kidding...

    Your name, now there's a blog post...

    Reply Cancel
  • Gideon
    Gideon Tuesday, 04 September 2012

    You two need

    to get a room already...shit.

    Reply Cancel
  • Tier
    Tier Tuesday, 04 September 2012

    We have one

    at home! :p

  • Isten
    Isten Tuesday, 04 September 2012

    Instead of Snowbird

    I call her Snowturd...she loves that name. ;)

    Reply Cancel
  • Tier
    Tier Tuesday, 04 September 2012

    Or snookums...

    she likes that one too.

    Reply Cancel
  • Isten
    Isten Tuesday, 04 September 2012

    Yeah, or peanut!

    Bahahahahah...I called her peanut once when we were shooting and she clocked with her rifle. :p

    Reply Cancel
  • Snowbird
    Snowbird Tuesday, 04 September 2012

    And I call you

    IDIOT. :p

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Guest Tuesday, 22 October 2024

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