Tuesday, October 22, 2024

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Junco’s Favorite Dude

Posted by on in Characters

The Dudes of Junco


ASHUR: I am Just Junco is filled with guys, right? I mean, you got me – Ashur. I’m like the god of all avians with my smoldering green eyes and my hot good-looks--

TIER: Ashur, yer delusional. I’m the freaking star of these books. Me. Every one of them revolves around me.

ASHUR: Around you, maybe. But you know, I’m the hot dude in Fledge. So you get some page time in Clutch, pffft. She’s barely into you in that book. But me in Fledge? I’m rocking that book like a star, brother. You’re off in nether land. Outta sight, outta mind, right?

ISTEN: Ashur, you piker. Everyone knows I star in both Fledge and Flight. Tier, you might get Clutch, I’ll give you that. But that’s only because you made us stay on the freaking ship while you and Junco went gallivanting around the countryside looking for trouble. I’m the favorite, so get over yourselves!

TIER: Isten, I let ya be the favorite, remember that little deal? Let you. Be. The favorite.

ISTEN: Still works, though. You said it, I’m the favorite.

ASHUR: All right, get out of my guest post, will ya? I’m talking about me here, OK? When Junco goes insane and wants nothing to do with either of you, who does she still talk to? Me! That’s who! ME!

ISTEN: Ashur, why is your picture like twice the size of mine?  What the hell is up with that?

ASHUR: I told you, I'm the favorite, besides...I'm the one in charge of this post. And you look like a dirtbag in that picture. Who wants to see more of you?

ISTEN: I was hung over, fuck!  No one said there was a photoshoot that day.

LUCAN: Sigh. We all know that Junco is beyond infatuated with me. To her, you are just children my little winged warriors.

TIER: Shut the fuck up, Lucan. She thinks yer creepy as all hell.

GIDEON: She really does, Lucan. You're secret is out and she was floored!

LUCAN: She simply needed time to adjust, that's all.

GIDEON: Pfffft. OK. But I'm the only one who knows what makes her tick...and it ain't freaks who can manipulate time and space, that's for sure.

KUSH: Bahaha…you guys keep telling yourselves how much Junco loves you! I’m the only one who-

(Fists flying, ground grappling, heads butting, blood-letting…)

TIER: Sorry, had to knock Kush on his ass there for a second. Where was I?

GIDEON: You were saying how I’m Junco’s BFF. You dumbasses have no idea how high I am above your pathetic attempts to insert yourselves into her heart. She loves me best, always has and always will.

ASHUR: I really hate Gideon.

ISTEN: Yeah, Gideon thinks he’s so fucking special just because he got to play in the mud with her when she was little.

TIER: Let’s kick his ass.

ASHUR: Ok, kids…there you have it. Junco loves me best and I—

(More fists flying, more ground grappling, more heads butting, more blood-letting…)

TIER: Ashur’s indisposed at the moment. If ya want to really know who Junco loves best, just read Clutch. It’ll tell ya everything ya need to know about who rules her little psycho heart. (Me!)

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Tagged in: Ashur Gideon Isten Lucan Tier


  • Selia
    Selia Friday, 16 November 2012

    Could you assholes be any more

    full of yourselves? Shit, no wonder psycho-butt is always bailing on you guys. You're such a bunch of conceited whiners!

    Reply Cancel
  • Bam-Peep
    Bam-Peep Friday, 16 November 2012

    Oh, I know...

    Believe me, Isten is forever complaining about everything. He's such a little wussie at home, I mean just the other day I saw a mouse in the kitchen and when i turned to ask Isten to go take care of that, he was freaking out like a girl. Pffft...

    Reply Cancel
  • Lucan
    Lucan Friday, 16 November 2012

    Who are these new girls

    and why are they messing up our blog? :(

  • Sera
    Sera Friday, 16 November 2012

    Just ignore that pathetic

    excuse for a...well, I'm not allowed to say what he is, but he's pathetic at it. (Junco hates spoilers). Anyway, girls, we should just take this blog over. Like they have anything at all to say worthwhile? Who's with me?

    Reply Cancel
  • Esta
    Esta Friday, 16 November 2012


    Welcome to the blog, ladies! :) Oh, this is so much better, now we can overpower them and we wont' ever have to hear about Jeeps or spankings, or beer. I feel better already!

    Reply Cancel
  • Bam-Peep
    Bam-Peep Friday, 16 November 2012

    Wait a minute...

    We're not allowed to talk about spanking? Since when? I'm not sure I like these new rules.

    Reply Cancel
  • Isten
    Isten Friday, 16 November 2012

    She's kidding, she's kidding

    Right, Esta? We don't want to get Bambi upset, right, ESTA? (She's still carrying that pokey stick around, come on man, help a guy out!) :(

    Reply Cancel
  • Gideon
    Gideon Friday, 16 November 2012

    LOL...Esta, careful there sweetie

    We might not talk about beer or spankings (though that is up for debate with Isten and Bam-peep over there) but we can still pull some pretty raunchy guy stuff. ;);););)

    Reply Cancel
  • Snowbird
    Snowbird Friday, 16 November 2012

    I'm pretty sure calling her

    Sweetie is insulting, Gid. Besides, she's right. The girls are taking over, look, now there's more of us than there are of you! :p:p:p:p

    Reply Cancel
  • Gideon
    Gideon Friday, 16 November 2012

    But Tier can call you

    Darlin' and that's OK? :D

  • Snowbird
    Snowbird Friday, 16 November 2012

    That's right....

    Because Tier is being sexy about it!


    Reply Cancel
  • Selia
    Selia Friday, 16 November 2012

    Oh Yay!

    We're doing gifs! Muaaaaahahhhhhaahahaha...

    This is for the crybaby boys!


    Reply Cancel
  • Esta
    Esta Friday, 16 November 2012

    I totally think we should

    turn this whole blog into nothing but animated cat gifs...Who's with me?

    Reply Cancel
  • Gideon
    Gideon Friday, 16 November 2012

    If you post another cat

    I'll post nothing but these:


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  • Isten
    Isten Friday, 16 November 2012

    :) I think Esta

    Should post more cats!

    Reply Cancel
  • Tier
    Tier Friday, 16 November 2012

    Oh, For Fuck's sake

    Why do I always end the comments this way? You people are all insane, Junco - look what ya started.

    Reply Cancel
  • Snowbird
    Snowbird Friday, 16 November 2012

    Here, better, sweetie?


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  • Tier
    Tier Friday, 16 November 2012

    God I love you

    Tell me, is that shit sexy or what? :):):)

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Guest Tuesday, 22 October 2024

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