Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Cool Bullshit from YouTube

Right. I think the title explains what I'm doing here - barfing up bullshit from YouTube. So why read my blog? Because I deliver bullshit with the best of them.

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Cool ways to fuck up your enemy

Video shared by on in Man Stuff


Let’s just jump right in with some moves that will make you sick just thinking about them.

  1. Uchi Mata – Throw them down with 5000 lbs. of force.
  2. Dkuri Eri Jime – Strangle them with style in ten seconds.
  3. Juji Gatame – Crack the elbow (sick!).
  4. Tomoe nage – Catapult your opponent using their own attack force.
  5. Gastrizein – Heel to chest. Enough said.
  6. Double leg takedown – Not for Junco, she’s too small to throw people like that, but for the big guys, it’s a head plant that causes nasty, disgusting damage.
  7. Shoulder throw – Remember simple machines from physical science class? Well go fucking read up on it, the shit was taught for a reason. I’ll wait. Junco kicks-ass at this one because she paid attention in school.
  8. Achilles lock – Mmmmmm…breaking tendons.
  9. Bursting – It’s all about the physics, baby. Remember collisions? Fuck? What did you take in high school? Remedial geology?
  10. 360 Defense – No geometry either? LOL…then go look up oblique.
  11. Choke defense – Which muscles are stronger? Back or arms?
  12. Pistol arm – Wrist blocks…gotta love ‘em!
  13. Buttstroke – Use that rifle, warrior! If you can’t shoot, buttstroke!
  14. Rolling knee bar – All the bars will fuck you up.
  15. The reap – Center of mass and gravity – more physics kids. Go back to school.
  16. Rear naked choke – Strangle him quickly with a simple compression of the carotid artery. What? You never took anatomy either? Go fucking look it up.
  17. Round kick defense – Rotational physics, coupled forces, and gravity – the Triple Terror of fighting.
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Tagged in: martial arts Tier


  • Snowbird
    Snowbird Thursday, 12 July 2012

    I could do #6...

    If I was fighting a little person! :)

    Reply Cancel
  • Tier
    Tier Thursday, 12 July 2012

    I know Snowbird!


  • Esta
    Esta Thursday, 12 July 2012


    Hmmm...I don't think so Raubtier.

  • Gideon
    Gideon Thursday, 12 July 2012

    I fucked him up good with...

    the #5 a few times... ;)

    Reply Cancel
  • Tier
    Tier Thursday, 12 July 2012

    You fucking wish

    you did. More like I've used all that shit on you, you just refuse to die.

  • Lucan
    Lucan Thursday, 12 July 2012

    I taught him...

    Everything he knows...

    Reply Cancel
  • Tier
    Tier Thursday, 12 July 2012


    You did, actually.

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Guest Tuesday, 22 October 2024

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