Tuesday, October 22, 2024

I Am Above This. Truly.

Junco has put me in charge of all the "How To" articles. So join me in explaining to the world how to get things done.

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I cannot even remember where I was last year, let alone the seven thousand years prior.

Blog entries tagged in how to

Video shared by on in How to...

Let’s face it, 2012 is the year. We only have a matter of months before some ancient tribal calendar runs out or those people eating faces off in Florida spread some airborne viral mutation that will either make us all sick with the Stephen King Super Flu, or turn us into zombies straight out of a bad B-movie from the 80’s. I’m trying to picture J...
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  • Isten
    Isten says
    Tier likes jagermeister Remember when he puked his gut out at Sera's New Year's party! What a light-weight. ...
  • Tier
    Tier says
    Oh, no, stop I want to hurl just thinking about it. Rum is good. Rum is excellent. Jaeger, no. Never again....
  • Sera
    Sera says
    The Persian carpet certainly remembers. You still owe me for that, Raubtier. I've not forgotten.
  • Ashur
    Ashur says
    Esta's trying to party like it's 1984...awesome, Esta. (Remind me not to get stuck with her in a silo when the EMP goes of...
  • Esta
    Esta says
    Hmmmm...no Rum...I'm not sure about that. Sparkling coolers, maybe? I can go for a nice wine mist.
Video shared by on in How to...

Many have tried, many have succeeded…few can stay in her good graces for long. Something to do with lies – she has an aversion to them, BTW. (Hit Girl video included just to remind you that little girl is a pansy compared to Junco!) OK, this week’s How To with Lucan is How To Make Junco Love You. Personally, this was not difficult for me as I am e...
Tagged in: hit girl how to Junco Lucan
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  • Lucan
    Lucan says
    Oh, no fair. I accidentally four-starred myself! Junco, un-do my star and make it five! ...
  • Gideon
    Gideon says
    I was waiting for it i thought to myself, finally, Lucan wrote a post that does not embarrass us! But nope, he did it ag...
  • Snowbird
    Snowbird says
    Sorry, Lucan You now officially have a 3.5 rating! I'll have to demote you if you continue! Better go find some...
  • Esta
    Esta says
    The only thing I have to do to make Junco love me is be myself! ...
  • Snowbird
    Snowbird says
    I love you like a sister! ...
Photo shared by on in How to...

It’s my turn to blog again and since Junco told me that throngs of people are clamoring for a mapolina recipe, I thought I’d make it the subject of my next “How To” blog. First I must explain that mapolina is a purely avian food used to deliver proper nutrition to aves warriors in the field and Fledge participants. It’s a protein paste with an opti...
Tagged in: how to Lucan mapolina
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Photo shared by on in How to...

This is my first blog post and since Junco has entrusted me to populate her website with "How To" articles, I find it fortuitous that I have just the topic.  It is appropriate in every way.  Now, in order to properly manage your habitat's spaceport you need only do one thing: Trust your AI to handle everything. There. That's it. You have my advi...
Tagged in: AI how to Lucan spaceport
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