Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Rules of the Game

Yeah, I'm a rules guy...so fucking what? You got a problem with that? You want to know how shit works in these stories? Ask me about it.

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Darla is one sexy name

Video shared by on in Avian Culture

OK, first off – hello. Junco roped me into being her eight and I’m supposed to handle questions about Avian culture so she literally just dumped a pile of crap on my desk and said get on it.

So, I’m on it.

The first question is from Darla (is that your real name? Dar-la…I like it) anyway, Darla asks, “How does one become an Archer and why do you have them?”

Quick time out from our sponsers:

Darla: Waldo, I think we have to turn here!
Waldo: Girls have no sense of direction.
Darla: You know, you're starting to get on my nerves!


Great question Dar-la. Unfortunately, you’re not allowed to know that. It’s an ancient Sumerian secret. But I will tell you that not everyone can become an Archer. You have to be prepared for it and the only avians that are prepared are high ranking ones, mostly from Aves – but also Political. Rarely, but it does happen. So basically, if you’re not born into Aves, you’re an avian your entire life. Which can be quite long, hundreds of years. But that’s nothing compared to the Archers who can live thousands, if all goes well.

Lucan is the oldest Archer in the Band, but he is by no means the oldest Archer alive. As he is fond of saying, everyone has a boss.

Archers are the guys in charge, they run stuff. Tier and I run stuff too, but we only run our own men most of the time. If you become an Archer typically you’re put in charge of something. Most of the time it’s boring shit, like fliers. But some gigs are sorta cool, like Matthias who runs the Aves armory. And some positions are downright scary powerful, Like Lucan, Gib, and Rache who run Fledge and Aves, Clutch, and Justice Clusters respectively.

Ok, we got time for one more question. Seth asks, “Do you have a sorting ceremony to figure out which Cluster you’ll be in, like Harry Potter?”

First off, who the fuck is Harry Potter? I’m not sure of that, so I’ll skip that part and just give you the answer. No. There is no sorting. You’re born to your Cluster and there is no way to change. Period. That’s it. You are what you are.

OK, I’ve done my duty here tonight. So, see ya next time. You can read more about me and the avian culture in Fledge, I have some parts in Flight too. And of course, I’m huge in Range and downright steal the whole show in Return…but that’s still a secret, so shhhhh.


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  • Isten
    Isten Wednesday, 08 August 2012

    Oh shit...

    Ashur's in love with a name now. And hey, you forgot Esta, right? She changed Clusters so she could go do that boring history crap.

    Reply Cancel
  • Esta
    Esta Wednesday, 08 August 2012

    I have dirt my dear

    Lots and lots of dirt. And I have MANY guest posts coming up so you can count on me making your love life uncomfortable in the near future.

    Reply Cancel
  • Lucan
    Lucan Wednesday, 08 August 2012

    See, I told you

    She shook me down, dammit. She's a lot more ruthless than she lets on.

    Reply Cancel
  • Ashur
    Ashur Wednesday, 08 August 2012

    She is too

    I saw the whole thing. She literally picked Lucan up buy the feet and dangled him over the cargo hold, then just to make him shake a little more, she threatened to tell Sera he was interested in going on a date with her. It was quite the battle that one... :p

    Reply Cancel
  • Snowbird
    Snowbird Wednesday, 08 August 2012

    He's secretly

    in love with her, ya know!
    Lucan and Sera sitting in a tree
    Sera's a bitch, Lucan's a stud
    Soon there's nothing but fists and blood


    Reply Cancel
  • Lucan
    Lucan Thursday, 09 August 2012

    Where is that emoticon

    that rolls its eyes?

    Never mind...I found my own.

    Reply Cancel
  • Snowbird
    Snowbird Thursday, 09 August 2012

    You're amazing

    -ly ingenious for someone who claims to have no knowledge of comments.

  • Tier
    Tier Wednesday, 08 August 2012

    Oh my God

    Do not quit your day job darlin'. You suck at poetry!
    Lucan and Sera sitting in a tree
    (....deleted for being God-awful)

    Reply Cancel
  • Ashur
    Ashur Wednesday, 08 August 2012

    That is bad

    You should delete it Junco.

  • Snowbird
    Snowbird Wednesday, 08 August 2012

    That's depressing

    AND WORSE than MINE! Hahah, but fitting. Can you imagine them together forever...and that's really forever, right? Sera and Lucan for eternity! hahahah :o

  • Lucan
    Lucan Wednesday, 08 August 2012

    i did relent

    in this one instance because Esta threatened to have the entire capital city riot over Junco if I didn't. She shook me down...

    Reply Cancel
  • Snowbird
    Snowbird Wednesday, 08 August 2012

    Oh please?

    You couldn't control one little clutch mother? If you ask me, you deserve all of it, giving her that job. :::shudder::::

    Reply Cancel
  • Gideon
    Gideon Wednesday, 08 August 2012

    How do you do it?

    Every single night you say something that makes me spit beer! She shook you down! Esta is 5'3" tall and couldn't fight her way out of a candy store. She shook you down...Bahahaha

    Reply Cancel
  • Isten
    Isten Wednesday, 08 August 2012

    Did I just type that

    outloud? Oops, sorry Esta. You promised not to tell on me, so...don't get all crabby and start shooting your mouth off.

    Reply Cancel
  • Esta
    Esta Wednesday, 08 August 2012

    I will let it slide

    THIS TIME. But do it again and i have you by the ankles dangling over Amelia by a string...

    Reply Cancel
  • Lucan
    Lucan Wednesday, 08 August 2012

    You better gift her

    something good Isten, because she carries a grudge like you wouldn't believe.

    Reply Cancel
  • Sera
    Sera Wednesday, 08 August 2012

    Darla was spot on

    Darla: Waldo, I think we have to turn here!
    Waldo: Girls have no sense of direction.
    Darla: You know, you're starting to get on my nerves!

    Waldo was the kind of guy you marry for his money, not have fun with...

    Reply Cancel
  • Tier
    Tier Wednesday, 08 August 2012

    I can't picture Junco

    at a piano recital as a girl. Did you do those Junco? And if so, post video. :D

    Reply Cancel
  • Gideon
    Gideon Wednesday, 08 August 2012

    I have video of her, Tier

    Lots and lots of video of little Junco doing all sorts of things! :D

  • Snowbird
    Snowbird Wednesday, 08 August 2012


    Zip it, or I'll sick Esta on you! :D

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