Tuesday, October 22, 2024

What Would Junco Do?

I always said I'd make an excellent Clutch Mother.

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CLUTCH  (and all the Junco books) will be removed from KDP Select on March 1 - so there will be no more free days - get CLUTCH FREE TODAY and pick up FLEDGE for only 99 cents!

About the Book

CLutch is FREE Today!In 2152 the avian race is on Earth looking for something stolen from them decades ago – their genetics. At the center of the search lies the Rural Republic; a small backwards farming country with high hopes of military domination and a penchant for illegal bioengineering.

19 year old Junco Coot is the daughter of the Rural Republic’s ranking commander. She’s the most foul-mouthed, wildly unpredictable and ruthless sniper the Rural Republic has ever trained. But when her father’s death sparks a trip into forbidden places, she triggers events that will change everything she knows to be true.

As an elite avian military officer, Tier’s mission is to destroy the bioengineering projects, kill Commander Coot’s daughter, and return home immediately. There’s just one problem. Junco isn’t who she claims to be.

With no one to trust, not even herself, Junco must confront the secrets of her past and accept her place in the future, or risk losing herself completely.

Reviews (Excerpts)

“Clutch would be a book that recommend in so many ways for having to offer so much what with some of the best rogue characters that have ever come across and the fact that once your in the zone of reading it you”ll find you have no regrets over beginning the book.  J.A. Huss is building a far more different realm of Science Fiction Romance. A genuine book lover (me included) has to applaud this.[...]” – Cassandra (Amazon)

“Clutch by J.A. Huss is amazing, it had me at the edge of my seat on what was going to happen next. Cant wait for the next book.” – Bookluver18 (Amazon)

“This is a rollicking nonstop adventure and nonstop is no exaggeration. Junco and Tier (the avian sent to assassinate her) never seem to stop for a breath, and the tension (between those two, between Junco and those who are supposed to her cohorts, and between Tier and his species and Junco’s human fellows) never lets up.” – Mallory Anne-Marie Haws

“[...] Overall, this book is great. Pacing is fast, and nonstop excitement. NO ROMANCE at all, which is fine, it hints at possible romances to come in the next books. I found it not having a love triangle and romance kindof nice. Its gets to be too much in some books, like that is all there is to life, wrong, much more to life and especially these paranormal books, than insta-love.  A Must read for anyone who enjoys Paranormal, or scifi, and even a touch of dystopian in here. Very cool blend, very original. 5 out of 5 stars for me.” – Michelle Lynn

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I grew up in the Rural Republic...that's about all I can say about that.


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Guest Tuesday, 22 October 2024

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